Ever heard this term before? If you have not you can thank John Krumboltz, Kathleen Mitchell and Al Levin for developing this concept. Think of Planned Happenstance as the intersection
Category: Articles & Career Stories
Embracing the U.N.Embracing the U.N.
United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals When working with clients who are wanting to make a positive difference in the world, and unsure how to do so, I like to
Career Stories: The Life and Music of John WilliamsCareer Stories: The Life and Music of John Williams
I recently watched the new documentary called the Music of John Williams on Disney +. What an incredible, serendipitous and creative career story. John is currently active in his work
Career Stories: Riane EislerCareer Stories: Riane Eisler
Career Story: Riane Eisler Here’s a story about a woman that I stumbled upon when watching an old podcast on “Thinking Aloud.” and was surprised and delighted to learn about
Career Stories: Jesse OwensCareer Stories: Jesse Owens
Career Stories: Jesse Owens Jesse Owens is most widely known for his 4 track and field gold medals at the 1936 Olympics in Berlin, Germany; here is more of his
Career Stories: Milton EricksonCareer Stories: Milton Erickson
Milton Erickson and American Psychiatrist, Psychologist and Hypnotherapist Milton Hyland Erickson was born in the small mining town of Aurum, Nevada (now a ghost town) in 1901. The second of