Career Counseling and Coaching sessions
- Career exploration and transition
- Career decision making
- Career planning
- Job search skills
Education planning
- Exploring education & training programs
- Choosing appropriate and personally relevant educational choices
- Tying education into career planning
Career Assessment Interpretation
- Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
- Strong Interest Inventory
- YouScience Aptitude Test
- VIA Character Strengths Survey
Myers-Briggs group teambuilding sessions
- At your company or organization
- 2 to 4 hours
Career guided imagery sessions
- Finding your calling
- Self confidence
- Career success
- Interviewing success
Presentations on varying career topics
- Finding meaning and purpose in work
- Informational Interviewing
- Job search skills
- Educational planning
It would not be a stretch to call my work with Dan a life-changing experience. Before I met him, I was feeling burnt out with my job. I knew I wanted to make a change, but I had no idea what I wanted to do or how to get there. Dan guided me through my whole career transition. We started by discovering careers that were a good match for my skills and values, crafted a plan for breaking into new fields, and in due course, I landed a new position I was passionate about. What I appreciated most about Dan’s approach to coaching is his focus on finding purpose and meaning in your work. If you are feeling stuck in your career and need a fresh perspective, Dan is your guy.I count myself as a very lucky person to have found Dan. DK
From the moment I met him, I recognized a genuine kindness and desire to help, and that kindness and support was consistent and essential throughout our entire time working together. I felt so lost when I first started talking to Dan and was starting to feel like I was never going to figure out where I wanted to go with my professional life. Through easy going conversation, assessments and even some hiking with Dan, I was able to recognize that maybe I wasn’t
as lost as I thought, and to figure out a path that has led me to the start of a serious career in healthcare. But what stands out to me most about Dan is his compassion. When I was struggling with untreated depression and anxiety, he was so understanding and supportive when I revealed these struggles to him, and he really worked with me to see that I still met
my own goals and expectations while working on my mental health. If you need someone to help you sort through what might feel like a cluttered mess inside your head, I cannot recommend Dan Macy’s amiable guidance enough! G.P.
Through my work with you, I was able to begin a journey to discover how I can best use my passion to make an impact in the world. You helped me get my thoughts together and move out of feeling lost and move into a sense of hope. I was questioning everything when I came to see you. I was questioning my career, who I am, and what kind of impact I could make. Through working with you, I was able to begin the journey to start my own business as a life coach and wilderness guide. You inspired me with your philosophies on career coaching, and you helped me with my mission statement (which I still use!) and my resume (which I have used to get my liability insurance and to show potential clients!), but most of all you helped me bring my thoughts and desires into a more concrete form. This made it so I could become clear on how I could combine all of the things I am passionate about into a career that I can thrust my entire being into. I am very thankful for the role you played in my life over the last 2 years. Thank you! L.B.
Dan is was insightful and offered practical advice as I was determining next steps in my career. He listened and asked great questions. I highly recommend Dan to anyone looking for a caring and thoughtful career coach. K.J.

What’s in your garden ?